Ouida Mae was dedicated in a special Christmas Eve service at the church tonight. The minister dipped a rose into our holy water and touched the rose to her forehead, lips, and hands, to “dedicate her thoughts, her speech, and her actions to all in life that is good and true and beautiful.” Then the congregation dedicated itself to her:
“May you grow to a life of joy. May you grow to love other people. May you grow to be courageous to challenge evil. May you speak the truth you know, and never cease from seeking to know more. In everyone you meet, may you recognize kinship and accept difference. May you endow those who know you with faith and hope. May you grow to be strong and gentle. May you lessen a bit our human sorrows. And to help to realize our hopes for you, to guide you and comfort you, to teach you and learn from you, we, your religious community, dedicate ourselves.”