Momma’s taking us to the zoo today…

Because it was a nice day out and some friends from church were going, Kimberly decided we should all go to the Nashville Zoo today. We set out at around 10am and walked around until almost 3pm. Ouida Mae had a good time and was generally engaged the entire time. She showed a lot of interest in the various types of animals, but she loved the aquariums the most. I think she could sit and watch the fish for hours.

meeting up with friends at the zoo

meeting up with friends at the zoo

watching the elephants

watching the elephants

Her favorite by far were the camels at the petting zoo. She grabbed the fence, jumped up and down, pointed at a camel and said “Doggie!”

Ouida Mae checks out the camel

Ouida Mae checks out the camel

We also got a membership while we were there, so expect more zoo pictures in the future…

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