Fun in the sun
I hate that I so seldom get a chance to update this journal. Ouida loves to play with my lap top, so it’s very hard to get anything done on it when she’s awake as she’s climbing all over it and trying to pull the keys out.
She was six months old on June 11 (there is a video in the works). Last week at the doctor she weighed 16 pounds. She is sitting, crawling, pulling up, and eating solid food. I believe she slept through the night last night, but it’s possible I just slept through nursing her. She continues to act like she’s cutting a tooth with no evidence to support it.
We try to take her out and expose to new experiences as often as possible. Here she is in her new sun hat:
At the American Artisan Festival in Centennial Park:
And at Percy Priest Lake at Long Hunter State Park: